Thank You!
Every gift matters.
Every gift counts.
Thank you for investing in our physical space so that
our students can soar!
Anonymous (3)
Maria and Steven Abbattista P'17 P'17
ABM Industries Inc.
Academy of Mount St. Ursula
Maria and Roland Acevedo P'18
Lori Adair
Susan Arditi-Adams and Edward Adams P'21 P'25
Katheryn Ann Headen Alpaugh '79
Alter Mantel LLP
AMX Cooling & Heating LLC
Krista Armiento Amato '87
Margery Ames '67
Tara and Stephen Anderson P'17 P'25
Catherine Andreuzzi
Patricia and James Angley P'11 P'13 P'07
Annunciation Church & Our Lady of Fatima Home School Association
Susan Cleary-Ansbro '80 and Daniel Ansbro P'19 P'21
Lisa Innamorato Apostolopoulos '80
Lisa and Joseph Argento P'13 P'18
Adria Armbrister '94
Maureen Ledden Arnold '78
Elizabeth Augustin '79
Kyra Aviles '17
Robin and Martin Aviles P'17
Kristina Bach
Margaret Fay Baird '55
Carolyn Feleppa Balducci '63
Rosemarie and Richard Baranin P'01 P'97
Kathleen and Jon Barter P'25
Maria Perdoncin Barton '83 and Michael Barton P'23 P'25
Patrice and George Baskinger III P'22
Mariangela Battista P'18
Glenda Bautista-Baker '94
Rosemary and James Beirne P'12
Jamie Lee Crespo Bell '10
Becky and Nicholas Bellino
Maureen and Sal Bellino P'01
Barbara and John Benjamin GP'22
Linda and Eric Bennett P'21
Mary Anne Benza P'98 P'01
Marianna Procopio-Berardi '88 and Ralph Berardi P'21
Nadine Reamy Berg '71
Patricia and Alfred Berrios P'15
Bridget and William Bettke P'11 P'15 P'25
Gabriella Biagini '11
Lynne Odierna Bicknese '83 P'08
Tayler Biddle
Delia Molloy Bishop '88
Tiffani Blake
Joan Fechteler Blatterman '60
Nanette Blish '75
Marie Bodack Austin '89
Jacqueline Larrabee Bohan '83 and Thomas Bohan P'24
Rosanna Cipollari Bonavita '85 and Salvatore Bonavita P'12 P'22
Kara Bonci
Mary Ann Boustead P'01
Anna and John Boutureira III P'17
Madison Boutureira '17
Mary McGovern Bowles '55
Terri and Alvin Bowles, Jr. P'21 P'26
Caitlyn Bradshaw '16
Marian Bradshaw '89
Alice Mary Cella Brady '59
Kara Brennan '09
Marie Hickey and Richard Brennan P'13 P'09
Margaret Bristol Breuninger '99
Juliana Brittis '06
Cynthia and William Brody P'22 P'22
Donna and Richard Brown P'20
Victoria Gomez Brucato '81
Dawn and Robert Bruckner P'23
Kathleen Ridder Brunelli '63
Cristina Brusco '84
Jennifer and Anthony Bruton P'25
Brenda Ann Buckley, OSU
Grace Adornetto Bulfamante '89 and Sebastian Bulfamante P'16 P'21
Marianne and Anthony Bulfamante P'21
Kathleen Buonamici '05
Jacquelyn and Peter Buongiorno P'13 P'15
Teresa Byrne, OSU
Rosemary and Robert Byrnes P'24
Amy D'Angelo Cachina '94
Rita and Jeff Cadge P'20
Jillian Cagliostro '11
Maryann and Steven Caiazzo P'18
Kathleen and Paul Callahan P'20 P'17
Melinda and Christopher Caltabiano P'23
Catherine Camarda '11
Alyssa Camardella '04
Phyllis and Peter Cammarota P'22 P'25
Susan and Guy Campanile P'18
JeanMarie and James Campbell P'19 P'22 P'24
Rosemary Campion
Christina and Jerome Canning P'18
Andrea Capasso '82
Albert Capozzelli
Gwen Gill Caranchini '66
James Carello P'25
Alexis Carlesimo '11
Madeleine and Joseph Carsky P'12 P'15
Judith Casey P'23
Michele and Paul Cashman P'25
Cindy and Steve Castellano P'13
Catalano Musical Products
Angie and Patrick Cercone P'05 P'10 P'12
Jenna Cercone '10
Nicole Cercone '12
Kathy and Joseph Cernada P'21
Joe Cerrell
Vanaja Susan and Daniel Chacko P'22
Joanne and Michael Chiappini P'23
Theresa Blaney Childs '77 and William Childs P'03
Steven Cho
Laura Solimano Christie '88
Ro and Richard Ciampi P'11 P'18
Jessica Cioffoletti '94
Class of 2017
Class of 2018
Class of 2019
Colleen Cleary
Ann and Constantine Clemente P'83
Marguerite Blish Coffey '61
Patricia and William Coffey GP'23
Megan Lechowicz Cogswell '94
Kimberly Colasuonno '13
Lisa Lordi and Bradley Coleman P'22
College of Mount Saint Vincent
Alice Canale Colon '94
Maura Toal Condolff '82 and James Condolff P'20
Kathy and Carlos Confeiteiro P'14
Anna Conlon '17
Delia Conlon '15
Eleanor Conlon '17
Elizabeth Conlon '14
Elizabeth Conlon P'90 P'84 GP'14 GP'15 GP'17 GP'17 GP'21
Eileen Brennan and John Conlon P'14 P'15 P'17 P'17 P'21
Kathleen Bristol Connolly '92 and John Connolly P'25
Michele Vitaliano Cooper '79
Claire Corcoran '17
Maria Elena Petrillo Corcoran '93 and Peter Corcoran P'21
Kelly and Robert Corwen P'17
Pegeen Molloy Costa '82
Deborah Costello '68
Regina and Patrick Cregin P'21
Ellen Cotter
Margaret and Daniel Cremins GP'23
Cara Cronin
Debbie and Michael Cronin
Karen and Noel Cronin P'24 P'25
Crystal Blue Cleaning Service
Catherine Blaney Cuddihy '80
Kathleen Meyer Curtin '66
Deana and Alan D'Amore P'23
Alexis and Carmine D'Angelo P'22
Patricia D'Angelo
Siobhan D'Angelo '06
Linda and Sean D‘Arcy P'08 P'10 P'12 P'16
Miriam Apuzzo D‘Isernia '64
Gina DaDan
Kaitlin Dahill '06
Alice Ridder Dailey '59
Elizabeth Ridder Dailey '73
Christopher Daly
Helen and Michael Daly P'02 GP'25
Mike Daly
Renee and John Daly P'25
Ellen Curry Damato
Mary Ann Damiano P'02 P'04 P'09
Tonia Damiano '09
Janine Simon and Lloyd Daughtry P'20
Maura Dausey '55
Eileen Davidson H'12 P'90 GP'19
Susan Bundschuh Davidson '64
Ariela DeBrecourt '99
Sheela Aspinall and Camille DeBrecourt P'99
Laurenn DeDecko
Laura Dedona-Hollatz '88
Jenn and Michael DeFlorio P'23
Meaghan DeGuisto '05
Jennifer Steffen Dehardt '88
Lynn Boccardi DeLisio '85
Carolyn Masek DelMonte '59
Holly Delohery
Fulvia Milite and Joseph DelPozzo P'23
Jean and Peter DeSalvo P'08
Lauren DeSanctis '04
Veronica and Richard DeSanctis P'04
Aisling DeSola
Patricia and Stephen Devaney P'16
Shawn Davidson DeVivo '90 and John DeVivo P'19
Jeanne Diachok
Aileen Leonard Dibra '96
Patricia and Nicholas DiCapua GP'26
Annemarie Germano DiCola '76
Sunny and John Diego P'25
Tara and Louis DiGiorno P'21
Patricia DiIorio P'16
Anne Therese Dillen, OSU
Rita Dillon '62
Jacqueline DiMiceli
Leighann Creaturo DiPasquale '83
Angela Dixon-Allamby '94
Thomas Dixon, Jr.
Patricia Niles Dohrenwend '62 and Robert Dohrenwend
Brendan Dolan
Erin Dolan '10
Meaghan Dolan '14
Jeanne and Patrick Dolan P'10 P'14
Lisa and Peter Dolgos P'12 P'15
Elizabeth and Basil Donnelly P'21
Courtney DuMond Donohue '85 P'18
Isabelle Ludes Donohue '49
Eleanor Donohue-Blanchard '75
Brendan Doran
Jeanne and Lloyd Doran
Joseph Dorsainvil GP'21
Anthony Dougherty GP'24
Marybeth and Luke Dougherty P'10
Doreen and Gregory Dozier P'27
Mary Driscoll '74
Cathryn Melnyk Duffy '96
Kevin Duffy
Patrick Duffy
Shannon Dufresne
Cathryn Melnyk Duffy '96
John Duffy P'01 P'01
Thomas Duffy
Joan Hessert Dugan '50
Mary Alice Duggan, OSU
Kristina Chirogianis Dunn '92 and Edward Dunn P'25 P'25
Jessica Dunne '94
Kathryn and Brian Dwyer P'21
Donna Edwards '75
Cathleen and Marc Elliott P'23
Judith Elliott GP'22
Lisa and Patrick Egan P'26
Elite Investigations, LTD
Heidi and Jonathan Elwyn P'15
Emerald Tree & Shrub Care Co.
Deirdre-Noel and Todd Engels
Kathleen Leslie English '75
Linda and Thomas Equinda P'24 P'26
Cathreena Esposito '19
Meg and Thomas Esposito P'19
Linda and David Fair
Catherine Falvey '75
Catherine Falvey P'75 P'77 P'78 GP'00 GP'03 GP'17 GP'19 (RIP)
Cathia and Stephen Falvey P'00 P'03
Christopher Falvey
Daniel Falvey
Erin Falvey
Kevin Falvey
Matt Falvey
Peter Falvey
Jamie and Ryan Falvey
Sharon Falvey '77
Deanna and William Falvey
Catherine Taylor and Greg Farrell P'22
Maria and Joseph Fasciglione P'24
Elizabeth Leary Fear '88
Sheila Rooney Featherston '78
Diane Fick '56 (RIP)
Kathleen Finneran '17
Laura Finneran P'17 P'20
Patricia Finneran GP'26
Kara Geissler Fitzgerald '88
Patricia and Thomas Fitzpatrick P'21
Catherine and Robert Flood P'22
Geraldine and Michael Flynn P'24
Flynn O'Hara Uniforms
Anna Flynn '16
Lily Flynn '19
Louise McCarthy Flynn '82 and Timothy Flynn P'16 P'19 P'19
Sarah Flynn '19
Carrie Foley P'21 P'22
Fordham Preparatory School
Sue and Leonard Formato
Jane and William Foster P'15
Meghan Foster '15
Adora Fou P'22 P'25
Debra and Anthony Frascone P'20
Erin Freehill
Suzanne French P'90 GP'24
Mario Gabelli P'91
Corbette Doyle Gaetano '74
Judy and Claude Gagna P'28
Toni Arnold Gallagher '63
Carolyn McEvoy Galligan '06
Nancy and Chris Gallin
Patricia Gallin '63
Aileen Gallivan
Colleen Murphy Gallivan '88
Kathleen and Vincent Gallo, Jr. P'22
Valeria Castanaro Gallotta '01
Maura Zottner Gallucci '85 and Steven Gallucci P'21
Margaret Rooney Galterio '79 P'02
Susan Garvey '67
Claudia and Jaime Garza P'16 P'20
Lauren Gaudiano '15
Bernadette Gayer (RIP) and Edmond Gayer GP'23 GP'23
Maura and Edward Gayer P'23 P'23
Magdalen Gaynor '71
Patricia Coleman Gehron '47
Mary Beth and Sven Gierlinger P'24
Sarah Gies '14
Sheila and Ambros Geissler P'84 P'88 P'85 GP'22 GP'24
Nancy Gerardi P'16
Lisa and Jack Gerbasi P'19 P'19 P'19
Brian Gilchrist
Jennifer Nolan Gilchrist '88
Patricia Gilchrist P'19
Tom Gilchrist
Patricia Gill Webber '67
Patricia Gillin P'82 P'83 P'85
Christina Campanile Gilmartin '94 and Matthew Gilmartin P'26
Stephanie Gin
Patricia and Richard Girolami GP'22
Wendy and Robert Gittings
Alice Marie Giordano, OSU
Jeanette Gisbert '94
Laura and Steven Giuliano P'20
Maria Cannata Giuliano '74
Alanna and Robert J. Gomprecht GP'22
Alida Marzziotti Goodman '84 P'14
Bonnie and Alex Gordon P'26
Keara O'Donnell Gordon '86 and Leonard Gordon P'18 P'22
Maura Gorman '94
Tara Kuschman Gorman '05
Raffaelina and Vincent Graci P'21
Catherine Zottner Grady '88
Michele and Joseph Granda P'13
Dalinda and Paul Granelli
Sue Greene
Mary Grendell '97
Greenwich Catholic School
Tia and Harley Griffiths P'01 P'04 P'07
Nicole Joao Grinnell '12
Adrienne Groccia '11
Vivian Groccia P'11
Amanda Guarino '08
Frances Ann Fiore Guerrette '79
Gus Guido
Nick Guido
Ellen Mooney Hancock '61 and Jason Hancock
Elizabeth and Eric Handler P'22
Christine Spoldi Haney ‘75
Lisa DelPriore Hannan '81 P'15 and Michael Hannan
Carolyn Astarita Hanrahan '95 and Kevin Astarita P'26 P'27
Rita Mabli and Patrick Hardiman P'05
Margaret Finneran Hark '79
Alanna Harrington '11
Donna Harrington P'08 P'11
Alexa Harris '12
Meghan Hartson '18
Claire Thompson Harty '46
Emma Harvey '17
Samantha and Christopher Harvey P'17 P'21
Alexandra Hasselt '17
Alexandra Hasselt '17
Cathy and Joseph Hasselt P'17 P'17 P'19
Gabrielle Hasselt '17
Juliana Hasselt '19
Eileen Hawthorn-Rooney '83
Jo Ann Healy P'21
Liz Healy '94
Mary Ellen O'Neill Heinze '52
Taryn Hennigan
Laura Herrera '95
Sergio Herrera
Tania Galin and Paul Herrick P'11 P'17
Trish Heslin
Peggy Judge Hickey '75 P'04 P'08
Ann Gartland Higdon '64
Pauline and Michael Higgins P'23
Megan and Michael Hildebrandt P'25
Marie Abplanalp Holcombe '77 P'13 P'16
Caitlyn Gibbons Holland '00
Kenyatta Hollingsworth P'22 P'22
Holy Family Church
Patricia Forenza Howard '75 P'04 P'07
Hudson Valley Fire Inc.
Eileen Santangelo Hult '63
Kimberly Hunter
Ashley and Terence Huvane
Bernadette and Thomas Huvane P'16
Kathy and Anthony Imperiale P'20
Iona College
Iona Preparatory School
Nancy Ives '94
Katherine Sohr Jedlicka '97
Emily Jeris '18
JLS Cost Management Systems, Inc.
Amanda Joao '13
Anne and Christopher Joao P'12 P'13
Erin Maguire Johnston '86 P'08 P'08 P'12
Anne Ridder Jordan '69
Margo Kapp '16
Micaela Keane '06
KG&D Architects, PC
Msgr. Dennis Keane
Eileen and Kevin Keane P'06 P'10 P'13
Monique Geissler Keane '84 and William Keane P'22 P'24
Patricia Hoffman Keane '61
Agnes Kelly, OSU '52
Kristin and Richard Kelley P'22
Jeanette Jenisch Kelly '61
Mary Bellew Kennedy '66
Mary Kilduff '13
Eileen and Timothy Kilduff P'13
Carol Killebrew
Ann Marie Carroll King '92
Knights of Columbus
Cora Koch '74
Pamela Bundschuh Koch '68
Susan Paglieri Kowal '94
Joan M. Kretzmer
Karin Pizzo Kulsar '84 and David Kulsar P'26
Janet and George Kuntz P'11 P'17
Gail and William Kuschman P'01 P'05
Margaret Loughman LaBella '83 and Joseph LaBella P'08
Ellen Burns Laden '60
Kathryn and Edward Ladin GP’21
Francesca Faustini LaGumina '78 and John LaGumina P'09 P'11 P'13 P'16
Juliana and Salvatore LaGumina GP'09 GP'11 GP'13 GP'16
Renee and Colin Lahiff P'16 P'23
Brianna Lamadore '13
Lauren Lamadore '11
Theresa and Richard Lamadore P'11 P'13
Langan Engineering & Environmental Services
Deborah LaRusso '79
Andrea and Salvatore LaScala P'23 P'26
Christine Colavita Latara '88
Phyllis White Lauinger '64
Lauren Adams Lawrence '02
Bernadette and Nicholas Leccese P'20
Ann Gillin Lefever '82 and Richard Lefever
Jennifer and Nicholas Leone P'24
Amanda Leva '17
Bernadette and Vincent Leva P'12 P'15 P'17
Robert Levine P'13
Loretta Judge Linehan '78
Deirdre Littauer '79
Andrea and Salvatore LaScala P'23 P'26
Kathleen and Craig LoConte P'25
Kathleen Martin Long '79 and Eamon Long P'21
Rita Tino-Longo and Frank Longo P'18
Jessica and David Lorden
Lospoto Landscaping Inc.
Chris Lowney
Betty Ann and John Lucey GP'21
Rose and Patrick Luciano GP'21
Mary Elizabeth Lynch P'20
Maureen Sullivan Lynch '79
Christine Peterson Lynn '66
Patricia Amy Madden '94
Alice and John Maalouf P'14 P'15 P'25
Patricia Burke Macionis '66
Caroline Maggard '08
Jennifer and Donald Malave P'18
Marcela and Daniel Maldonado P'21
Michelle Curran Mancini '92
Elizabeth Molinari Manfredo '75 P'11
Kathryn Manfredo '11
Nicholas Manfredo
Nicole and O'Dean Mangum P'26
Lynn Salvan Mann '64
Marjorie Froman Mann '79
Frances and John Mannix P'22
Rebecca Marchetti '01
Katherine McHugh Maria '54 P'77
Kathryn Harrington Marra '69
Rita Camillucci Marsh '59
Marie Quigley Marshall '51
Marilyn and David Marshall P'24
Martin J. McLaughlin Communications Inc.
Patty Mathews
Mary McBride
Catherine McCabe '81
Elizabeth Gallagher McCabe '97
Deirdre McCaffrey '89
Mary Elizabeth McCaffrey '84
Mitra and Daniel McCarthy P'10 P'12 P'12
Catherine Fay McCarthy '84 and John P. McCarthy P'14
John McCarthy
Kathleen L. McCarthy GP'14
Margaret and Brian McCarthy P'10 P'15
Mitra and Daniel McCarthy P'10 P'12 P'12
John McCauley P'19
Marie Louise McClure P'99
Mary and Eamon McCooey P'10 P'18
Brian McDermott
Jeanne Moore McEnroe '88
Kathleen McEntee '99
Mary and Thomas McEvily III P'00 P'99
Celia MacNamee McEvoy '48 P'78 P'79
MC and Paul McEvoy P'06
Meghan McEvoy '06
Celia MacNamee McEvoy '48 P'78 P'79
Jennie McFarland P'25
Caitlin McGarvey '11
Claire Nyland McGarvey '82 P'11 P'14
Julia McGarvey '14
Constance Burtis McGillicuddy '48
Mari-Christina Quinn McGlinn '97
Susan McGoey '73
Amanda McGovern '13
Patrick McGrory
Irene McInerney P'73 P'79 P'79
Maura McInerney '79
Claire McIntee '57 (RIP)
Doreen and John McLaughlin P'96 P'94 GP'25
Kara McLaughlin-Mitchell '94 P'25
Christie Mullery McLoughlin '92
Barbarann and William McLoughlin P'17 P'18
Maura and Chris McMahon
Kathryn McMahon '17
Lauren McMahon '11
Florence Goldmann McNamara '59
Marnell McNamara '79
Elizabeth McShane '12
Mary and Thomas McShane P'12
Megan Prunella Medeiros '02
Patricia and Raymond Mehler GP’23
Colleen and Stephen Melnyk P'18
Suzanne Melnyk Tripp ‘85
Mindy and Albert Merone
Johnna and Vito Messina P'24
Kristen Milea '11
Sara and William Miller
Joy Millette P'16 P'22
Michael Millette P'16 P'22
Janet and John Mills P'21
Ed Minson
Barbara McGovern Mitchell '54
Christina and Thomas Mitchell P'23
Elli and Dean Modroukas P'26
Carolyn Moffa
Alexa Molinari '10
Dakota Molinari '14
Paulette and Louis Molinari P'10 P'14
Sheila Molloy '81
Lucia and Silvio Monacelli
Christine and Frank Mondrone P'22
Denise Deldin Moore '69 and Edward Moore P'99
Suzanne McGarry Moore '88
Mary Eileen Shelley Morrissey '79
Irene Moyna GP'14 GP'16 GP'19 GP'19
Michele DeSola Moyna '84 P'19
Regina Maguire Moynihan '85 and Kevin Moynihan P'17 P'20
Marissa and Anthony Mugno P'22 P'20
Elisabeth Mulder '17
Renata and Randy Mulder P'17
Beth Mullery-Clarke '00
Kaitlin Mulligan '18
Kerri and John Mulligan P'18
Dina and Sean Mullins P'22
Claire Murphy '04
JoAnn Murphy (RIP) and Joseph Murphy GP'06 GP'22
Julia Murphy
Giuliana Musilli '78
Doreen Mauro Napolitano '81
Joanna Capozzo Napolitano '94
Lauren Mazzuca Nardis '94
Maura and Richard Nasti P'11
Claudia Richardson Nedrow '66
Regina Christiansen Neff '56
Kristyna Russo Nigro '06
Sheila McCarty Nixon '56
Kathleen Pridday Nordin '71
Marina Hoffmann Norville '93
Julie and John Nowak P'24
Joan and Richard Nugent P'23
Lindsey Angione Nunes '04
Sandra and Miguel Nunez P'18
Marianne Nyland '80
Kelli and Joseph Nyre P'19
Cami Zinzi O'Brien '94
Jeanine McDermott O'Brien '81 and Kevin O’Brien
Katherine O'Brien
Rita and Tim O'Connor P'22
Theresa Rooney O'Connor '78 P'05 P'10
Angela and Chris O'Hare
Daniel O'Hare
Kathleen McInerney O’Hare '73
Maura O'Sullivan '78 P'06
Debra and Terence O'Toole P'10 P'14
Joann Portmann Obergfell '88
OLA Consulting Engineers
Ann Martin Olson '51
Kerry Morris Orlich '87
Kathy and Martin Ortiz P'23 P'24
Carol McClure Ostrander '99
Diane Ouchterloney '83
Catherine Padyk '67
MaryLou LaSala Pagano '83 P'18
Belinda and Calvin Palmer P'14
Haruko Edwin Pan P'14 P'18
Angela and Robert Parauda P'18 P'22
Parish Property Management Inc.
Dawn Frusciante Pasacreta '93 P'20
Palmina Fava and Richard Pastilha P'19
Nelly Ramirez Pavlounis '86
Ellen and Peter Peace P'06 P'14
Jillian Pearson '19
Angela and Robert Pearson P'19
Maria Peralta P'21
Harrie P.W. Perkins
Sarah and Thaddeus Pesce P'22
Angelique Pesce-Scott '92
Barbara Fechteler Peterman '61
Christine Geissler Peters '85
Ann Peterson, OSU '55
Catherine and Joseph Petrera P'01
Carol and Felix Petrillo P'93 GP'21
Laura Petrillo
Michael Petrillo
Eileen and James Phelan
Jeannine Egdorf Phelan '83
Maryanne Bisulca Pietz '71
Jennifer McDonnell Pifer '88 and Daniel Pifer P'27
Julie Pipolo
Lori Shay and David Posner P'14 P'20
Lori Postner '88
Marie Postner P'83 P'88
Marguerite Teyssandier Pough '66
Kiera McCaffrey Poumade '98
Alexandra Powell P'06 P'14
Kelsey Powell '06
Shannon Powell '14
Katherine and John Powers P'17
Domenic Procopio P'83 P'88 GP'18 GP'21
Shana Promuto-Kasarda '91
Moira and Daniel Prunty P'00 P'02 P'05
Mary Quartaro '80
Pauline and Sean Quinn P'15
Catherine Morell Raddatz '68
Joanne and Mark Raffa P'24
Michelle and John Raffa
Leana and Salim Derek Rahman P'19
Jennifer and Gregory Ralph P'24
Christine Ranges '60
Luisa and Frank Raniolo P'17
Kathy Raymond
Martha Reddington '72
Mary Jane Kann Reddington '41 P'72
Maureen Doherty Reed '06
Sheila and Michael Regan P'11 P'18
Kathleen Reilly '75
Tricia Reilly
Alison Rende '92
Ingrid Bent Richards '94 and Kevin Richards P'25
Maryanne Bifulco and Roy Richter P'18 P'23
Rosemary Ridder '66
Eileen Ring
Sheila Ryan Ring '80
Lindsay Robertson
Pamela Robertson '73
Sonia Robertson '94
Francine Rosado-Cruz '90
Briana Ross '16
Olivia Ross '18
Maija and Mick Ruggiero
Patricia Russell, OSU
Patricia and Robert Rutledge P'16
Blanche Dickinson Ryan '44
Gail Ryan GP'20
Virginia Mitchell Ryan '85 and Charles Ryan P'15
Jane and Joseph Saad P'22
Deepika Misra and Prameet Singh P'23 P'21
Patricia Ryan-Smith '75 and Brian Smith
Sacred Heart Academy
Jane and Joseph Saad P'22
Saint Barnabas High School
Saint Barnabas High School
Betty Jane Santangelo '67
Jennie Capasso Santariello '80 and Robert Santariello P'10
Nancy Piccone Sasso '75 P'99
Kimberly Saxton '00
Maria Cermele Sayegh '85
M. Colleen Scanlon '72
Vernon Schaefer P'21
Kathleen and Larry Scher P'12
Patricia Schifini, OSU
Kathleen Avonda Schneider '75
Iva Short Schulz '50
Sarah Schuyler '03
Anne Scott '75
Celia Geoghegan Scully '50
Catherine Ann Sears '79
Annesa Seemungal '94
Mary Ann Seiler
Lauren Sepe '10
Leslie Roos Sepe '78 and Gennaro Sepe P'10 P'13
Seton Hall University
Karen and Eric Seyfried P'23 P'23
Patricia Seyfried GP'23 GP'23
Patricia Carew Shannon '48
Monica Singla Sharma '99
Helen Shea '54
Marie Sheehan P'14
Molly Sheehan '14
Brianne Campbell Sheppard '01
Alice Sheridan '78
Kelly and Joseph Sheridan P'20
Sonnia and William Sheridan P'19 P'20 P'23
Caroline Shipman '11
Margaret Shipman P'11 P'13
Annmarie Showers
Diana Sireci '12
Nora Sposato Slowey '73
Cecilia Smith '68
Michelle and David Smith P'25
Alice Smyth '11
Michelle and Jeffrey Snyder P'24
Caroline Sohr '12
Clare Marie and Robert E. Sohr P'97
Kevin M. Sohr
Milly and Robert J. Sohr P'17 P'19
Sheila and Michael Sohr P'12
Maureen Specchierla P'83
Cathy and Michael Spencer P'21 P'21
Stasia Campbell Spentzas '79
Charlene and Joseph Spillane P'23
Joan and Michael Spillane P'11 P'16 P'18
Barbara Spiridon
Mary and John Spollen P'92 P'97
St. Gregory the Great Church
St. Joseph's Medical Center
Geraldine and Joe Stapleton P'14
Kerry and Christopher Stella P'21 P'26 '28
Annmarie Stepancic '08
Sterlingrisk Insurance
Andrea Spoldi Stewart '72
Courtney Stewart '13
Marianne Cuiffo Stineman '63
Susan Maguire Stinson '86
Georgeanne and John Stokes P'04
Deirdre Cummins Stones '96
Francesca Strazzera '16
Victoria Strazzera '13
Hannah Suchy '10
Kathryn and Daniel Sullivan P'11 P'15
Doreen and John Sullivan P'16 P
Julianna Sullivan '16
Katherine Learson Sullivan '56 GP'09
Kellie Falvey Sullivan '00
Kathleen Sullivan-Breen '81
Katie Vecchiano Sutherland '94
Julianne Sweeters Carney
Joni Taitt-Manradge '94
Margaret and Noel Tannian
Cara Taylor P'25
Geraldine and Daniel Taylor P'16 P'19
The David & Sondra Mack Foundation, Inc.
The Di Salvo Engineering Group
The Griffin Family Foundation
The H.W. Wilson Foundation, Inc.
The Perkins Family Foundations
The Stefano La Sala Foundation, Inc.
The Ursuline School Fathers' Club
The Ursuline School Mothers' Auxiliary
Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation
Kerri Tiernan '92
Jeanne and John Tiglias P'96 P'93
Margaret Toal P'82 P'87 P'92 GP'20
Eileen Lewis Tobin '98
Meg Tompkins
Kristine Kuschman Toomb '01
Katherine Rajala Tornese '94
Bethany Townley '11
Kathleen and Joseph Townley P'05 P'08 P'11
Maggie Tracy '11
Mary Sullivan Tracy '68
Emily Trapani '16
Miranda Trapani '18
Eileen Treacy GP'23
Sarah Treganowan '16
Christina and Richard Trizano P'11 P'17
Rio and Girard Tunney P'21
Elizabeth Tyrrell '12
Francesca and Joseph Tyrrell P'12
Ursuline Community, Linden Place
Ursuline Convent of St. Teresa
Ursuline Provincialate
Ursuline Sisters
United Hebrew of New Rochelle
Nina Passero-Usak and Louis Usak P'18
Susan and Christopher Vacca P'21
Suzann and George Vaiana P'24
Elizabeth Valecce GP'20
Rita and William Van Cook GP'23 GP'26
Elizabeth VanBramer '14
Jeanne and John VanBramer P'11 P'14 P'16
Katherine VanBramer '11
Amanda Vasilakis '16
Claudia Vasquez P'22
Cynthia Malyil Vattasseril '94
Maureen Vaughan
Veneruso, Curto, Schwartz & Curto, LLP
Karina Gomez Verni '82 and John Verni P'10
Maria and Nicholas Vianna P'24
Village Launderette
Eileen and Dominic Visco P'21 P'23
Elizabeth and Joseph Vitiello P'17
Kathrine Vitiello '17
Carmela and Joseph Voli P'20
Rosemary Vrablic '78
Elizabeth Ward O'Shea '75
Denise Wade
Colleen Griffin Wagner '80
Mary and Jeffrey Wall P'18 P'22
Pegeen and Thomas Wall GP'18 GP'22
Mary and Kevin Walsh P'18 P'16
Estate of Martin J. Waters P'89
Helen Mitchell Waters '58 P'89
Nancy C. Waters '65
Abigail Weir '16
Maureen Welch, OSU
Patricia and Garrett Weston
Carole White
Wanda and Kevin Williams P'26
Chris Wilson
Elisa Gabelli Wilson '91 and Thomas Wilson
Kimberly Wilson '11
Laura and Paul Wilson P'11
Michelle and Jason Wilson P'26
Mary Lou and Preston Winters P'12
Joan Woodcome, OSU
Anne Woodtli '19
Beth Falvey Woodtli '78
Catherine Woodtli '17
Beth Schaefer Wooters '80 P'14
Carly Wooters '14
Luke Wooters
Marylena Simone Worthington '72
Patricia and Michael Wrotniak P'22
Brittany Yaeger '16
Teresa Jankovic and Bernard Yozwiak P'10
Nancy Zajac P'12
AnnMarie Zingaro P'24